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HomeCongenital Anomaly Treatments

Congenital Anomaly Treatments

By “congenital anomaly” we mean the result of a discrepancy in the conformation of the fetus, which can …

A common abnormality of the labia, known since the 2nd century BC, when the famous Greek physician Galen …

Cleft palate may coexist with cleft lip or occur separately with a frequency of 1:2500 births. Its diversity …

It is the most common congenital anomaly of the penis. The term was introduced by Galen.

The term, “hemangioma”, for many years was used as a general, broad term, to describe vascular abnormalities, which …

The first surgical repair of a severed ear flap is mentioned in the Veda (sacred book of India) …

They include a multitude of malformations, from simple hypoplasias to severe abnormalities, which are abnormalities of conformation. These …

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