Chemical Peelings

On chemical peels, the damaged outer layer of skin on the face is removed to improve its smooth texture.

About Chemical Peelings

Chemical Peels are a form of treatment that uses chemicals in order to intervene and correct various facial imperfections, wrinkles and pigmented lesions. The damaged outer layer of skin on the face is removed to improve its smooth texture.

More Info

Depending on the degree of your problem, the doctor will recommend the right peel for your case. The most common types of chemical peels are:

  • Alphahydroxy acids (AHAs), this is the mildest form of peeling. AHAs can be used to soften facial wrinkles, improve skin texture and in particular localised dryness, and in some cases are used to improve mild melancholic lesions and acne.
  • Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) is used for medium-grade exfoliation and is quite widespread. It helps to soften more pronounced wrinkles, and is very often used for superficial blemishes and melanchromatic lesions.
  • Phenol is the “strongest” chemical peel and gives a very deep cleansing. It is mainly used in heavier cases with very pronounced and deep wrinkles and severe skin problems.

Depending on the peel that will be used for your case the doctor will give you those appropriate instructions that you should follow. Redness, some swelling, slight stinging on the face are normal and depending on the type of peel your doctor will let you know when the symptoms are over.

Depending on the problem and the type of Peeling the treatment is repeated according to the doctor’s instructions. Chemical peeling helps to renew the skin of the face, providing a more radiant and youthful appearance.