
Gynecomastia is breast hypetrophy in men. Although it occurs during adolescence, it is a congenital abnormality of development. It affects adolescents at a high rate (up to 65%), creating psychological discomfort in the adolescent while also impacting their male self-confidence.

About Gynecomastia

The etiology of the disease can be multifactorial, as it can result from a series of conditions. However, in most cases, it is idiopathic without a pathological basis. Diagnosis is simple and always confirmed with laboratory tests. Treatment is only surgical, as medication is not effective. Liposuction, either as a sole method or in combination with the removal of the mammary gland, yields very good results.

The psychological “transformation” of teenagers is impressive.

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After gynecomastia surgery, the patient can be discharged from the clinic on the same day. Light pain, some bruising, swelling, and numbness around the operated area are normal. If necessary, the plastic surgeon will provide light analgesics to relieve you.

Depending on the extent of the surgery, you may need to avoid working for a few days to rest. Intense physical activity or swimming should also be avoided until your doctor permits.

The psychological “transformation” of  teenagers is impressive after gynecomastia surgery, as they regain their lost self-confidence, having rid themselves of the feminine characteristic of breasts.