
The hand, an organ of conception and sensation, is the extreme part of the upper limbs of man. The hand, with its 27 bones and joints and 24 tendons, has a dual function. On the one hand, it is the ‘instrument before instruments’ (tool of tools), thanks to which man becomes capable of constructing and …

About Limb

On the other hand, it is the organ of touch, the only one of the senses that does not have its seat, like the others, in the head, and through which one senses the physical presence of one’s neighbour. Moreover, it is also an expression of the soul, speech, an organ of communication.The relationship between hand and brain is a given. Which of the two is a consequence of the other?Anaxagoras said that man is the most intelligent of animals because he has hands. Aristotle, with critical reasoning, reversed the proposition and said that man is the most intelligent of animals not because he has hands, but precisely because he is the most intelligent of animals, that is why he has hands! Be that as it may, after all, the close hand-brain relationship is manifested not only by the extent of the projection of the hand limb into the sensory zone of the cerebral cortex, but also by the multiplicity of phenomena with which hand-brain pathology is closely associated. The hand, it is generally agreed, “is the next element of human beauty after the face.” The importance of its restoration ( functional and aesthetic ) is undeniable. This follows, among other things, from the great interest of scientists and their preoccupation with the subject for many years . The complexity of the construction of the hand extremity makes it an object of specialized knowledge. The congenital anomalies of the distal hand are numerous with great diversity. Their aetiology is completely unknown.