Neck Lift

A neck lift is a surgical procedure where it helps give your skin a firmer, smoother and more youthful appearance, helping major problems associated with the surrounding neck area!

About neck lift

In the neck area, loosening of the skin and platysma (superficial muscle of the anterior surface of the neck – part of the SMAS) results in the formation of pronounced wrinkles in the neck area, the appearance of double chin, and creation of pronounced vertical folds (“bands”) at the borders of the platysma.

Over time, the neck area can be one of the first places that, visually, show the natural aging process. The skin begins to lose its elasticity and therefore begins to show signs of sagging before most other parts of the body.


The stay in the clinic is only a few hours and the patient returns to activities after 2-3 days.

The results are visible immediately and the neck acquires a youthful appearance.