
Otoplasty is a surgical procedure that helps to reshape the outer side of the ear, with the aim of achieving long-term results that will give great pleasure.

About Otoplasty

The shape and size of the ears is genetically predetermined and can vary significantly between different individuals and also between the two sides of the same person. The ear consists of a cartilaginous skeleton that forms cavities and protrusions to which the skin is firmly attached. This alternation of the cartilage’s ridges and hollows that gives the ear its normal shape, and any disturbances in the development of these ridges and hollows are what create the ear’s deformities, often causing serious psychological problems that plague the child throughout his or her childhood and create ‘complexes’ that carry over into adulthood.

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You can return to your activities after 2 days and you will need to wear an elastic bandage/bandage for about 15 days after the operation. You may have a slight pain for the first few days, which is treated with common, mild analgesics.

Otoplasty is a procedure whose results will boost your confidence and provide symmetry to your face.