
This is a failure to separate two fingers. Normally the separation occurs between the 7th-8th week of intrauterine life. It occurs at a frequency of 1:2000 births. The 3rd inter-uterine interval is the one most affected. Depending on the degree of dermal and/or bony fusion, its forms are determined. The toes are sometimes affected.

About Syndicate

Syndactyly is often accompanied by abnormalities of other organs. It is almost unbelievable that it is found in 28 syndromes! The recovery time ( timing) depends on the complexity of the lesion. When there is bony involvement, separation occurs at 6-12 months of age. Simpler forms can wait until the child is 2 years of age. Over 60 surgical techniques have been described. All are aimed at separating the fingers, creating a good interdigital space and covering the traumatic surfaces with a graft. The results are satisfactory Often underestimated and this is because we do not know that the skin is the largest organ in our body, making up 16% of our weight, and is responsible for maintaining our homeostasis. The skin is a barrier to heat loss, water and electrolyte loss and is a major barrier to microbes.