Tubular Breasts

The aesthetic surgery of tubular breasts enables the resolution of congenital anomalies, such as hypoplasia, offering confidence and noticeable results!

About Tubular Breasts

Tubular breasts are defined as those whose shape is deformed as a result of a congenital abnormality. Tubular breasts are a typical example of hypoplasia. Instead of the breast developing normally, the presence of a ricnotic fibrous ring at the base of the breast prevents both horizontal and vertical development of the breast and leads to its tubular shape.

In addition, the nipple – areola complex may be larger in relation to the size of the breast, with the inframammary fold at a higher level.

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The procedure is performed by neuroanalgesia and the stay in the clinic is 12 hours. After the operation the patient wears a sports bra for about 1 month and intense physical activity should be avoided.

The results are very satisfactory, and the self-confidence of young women is enhanced after the formation of symmetrical breasts.